Winter Is Almost Here: 4 Reasons To See Your Optometrist

20 April 2023
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Winter is almost here. When it gets here, you'll want to watch your eyes for vision problems. You might not realise this, but winter can wreak havoc on your eyes. If you're worried about your eyes, read the list below. If you encounter any of these vision issues this winter, see your optometrist right away.  Burning Sensation  During the winter, heater and fireplace use increases. Plus, the breezes get colder. Unfortunately, dry air and cold breezes can dry out your eyes. Read More 

3 Signs You May Need Cataract Surgery

24 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

It's no fun having cataracts. The cloudy, foggy vision can make it difficult to see well, both up close and far away. But sometimes, it's hard to tell when you actually need cataract surgery. So how do you know if it's time for surgery? Here are three signs that you may need cataract surgery. You Have Blurred Vision Blurred vision can be a sign that you need cataract surgery. When the proteins in the eye's lenses break down and clump together, they begin to cloud your vision. Read More 

Reasons Why Your Night Vision Is Poor

27 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have blurry eyesight at night or in low light but are fine during the day, you may need to see your optometrist. Poor nighttime vision has many causes. Fortunately, most of them are not serious but could indicate you need help. Here are some top reasons why your night vision is poor and what you can do about it. You Are Nearsighted Your eyes change throughout your life, so you could have distance-vision trouble before you realise it. Read More 

The Who, What, and How Regarding Refractive Eye Surgery Answered

30 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When most people think of corrective eye surgery, they automatically think of LASIK surgery. While this type of eye surgery does function to correct vision problems, the reality is that it falls under a category of medical procedures referred to as refractive surgery. Thus, if you are deliberating on getting eye surgery so that you can stop being heavily reliant on prescription glasses or if you require refractive surgery but have never heard of this term before, you may be wondering what your options are. Read More 

A Buying Guide for Prescription Glasses

23 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Prescription glasses provide an effective solution to various eyesight problems. However, many people experience challenges when buying them due to time limitations and the vast array of glasses in the market. If you have a blurred vision or any other eye problem that requires vision correction, these tips will help you choose the best eyeglasses for your condition. •  Understand the different types of glasses There are many types of prescription glasses. Read More